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Photo Gallery

Since I have limited free space on the tripod server, and because I'm lazy and hate going in and resizing/making separate pages for all my pics, I have started using Flickr. You can view all my photo albums on Flickr by following this link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mcclain-family/

If there's a specific event you're looking for then you can go directly to that album by following the links below. Hopefully this will make my life easier -- and I can get pics up sooner....not a year later like it has been taking me. : )

Family Vacation to Deep Creek Lake, MD
August 12-18, 2006
Visiting Family & Friends for 4th of July
Maryland & Pennsylvania
June 30 - July 4, 2006

Our 1st Wedding Anniversary
June 18, 2006

Elon/AOII Girls' Weekend 2006
North Carolina Mountains
May 26-29, 2006
Miscellaneous Pics of Benny

Our House - from the ground up
July - October 2005
Monroe, NC
June 2005
Wedding Day
June 18, 2005
Mickey's Wedding Experience
June 18, 2005
Rehearsal Night
June 17, 2005
Bachelorette Party
April 29, 2005
Baltimore, MD
Bridal Shower
April 29, 2005

Christmas 2004
Engagement Night
December 23, 2005
Inner Harbor/Little Italy - Baltimore, MD

For pictures prior to December 2004, please click here to go back to my old site's photo page.