Benny joined our home in March '06. I heard about him on the radio while driving to work one day. A few weeks later they mentioned him again and talked about how surprised they were that he hadn't been adopted. Sooooooo, I felt it was meant to be. We needed to save Benny. I guess I just have a thing for radio personalities. : )
Benny is a lil rascal. He is super cute w/ his floppy ears, loves to play w/ tennis balls, and loves to get into trouble. He also craves attention...and will do anything to get it including steal whatever is accessible (a sock, a shirt or the remote control) and will parade around w/ it in his mouth taunting us to chase him. This has been Benny's most frustrating puppy trait. Click here for a list of items Benny has EATEN or MUTILATED beyond repair over the last few months. There's also a few pictures of when Hurricane Benny tore through the loft (the room where benny spends his time while we're at work).